
Providing therapeutic treatments for a range of issues, I also specialise in TMJ and cervical treatments for those with whiplash, headaches, chronic neck pain etc.

Therapeutic massage
This is where you tell me what is troubling you and I tailor my treatments to provide that necessary relief. I will offer advice where applicable and may prescribe stretches or exercises.

Therapeutic massage incorporates some relaxation (to wind down), myofascial release, firmer pressure (deep tissue), trigger point therapy (compression techniques), and PNF stretching.

Using the smooth, flowing strokes of traditional Swedish massage, the nervous system is eased and relaxation begins. Pressure can still be firm to soften muscles, but the aim is still that soothing rhythm that makes you go "aaaah".

Dry needling 
Dry needling helps to access trigger points in a way that regular compression techniques can't.

Although dry needling looks like acupuncture, it is different. Acupuncture has its own method and clinical reasoning behind where it places the needles. With dry needling I simply target the "knots" with needles instead of my thumbs.

I always combine dry needling with therapeutic treatments to offer the best results.